All posts by Nitin Yadav

Fast file copy in Windows – Robocopy

File copy in windows GUI is pretty slow. Under Windows XP it was almost unusable for large folders. Microsoft improved it with Windows XP SP 2 and then later with Windows Vista & 7. It is definitely better now in Windows 7 but I still

Getting your dynamic public IP in C# & .net

For one of my projects I required the dynamic public of my ISP connection. I blogged earlier about getting this through but in this case I needed it in my script. I wrote a quick script to scrape it of the same site. This

Dynamic DNS update from .C# and .net

I was setting up a local server at home and wanted it to be publicly accessible from a domain name. Unfortunately my ISP refuses to give a static IP and my only option was to use a dynamic DNS server. After checking some out I

Who is WHOIS?

WHOIS is a networking protocol that allows you to discover information about a domain. Following information can be obtained from a WHOIS server. 1) Owner information 2) Technical Contact 3) Administrator Contact 4) Registration date, expiry date, last renewal date 5) Registrar of domain WHOIS

Speed testing a website

While developing websites I come across the problem of testing page load times. With Google now bent on giving high priority to websites that are fast it has become even more important to test, debug and improve web page load times. There are two tools

Whats my IP?

Have you ever wondered what your public IP is? Wait, what is a public IP? An IP address is a number sequence of the form Each 3 digit number sequence can be from 0 to 255. Valid examples are,, etc Every device

RAID 1 vs RAID 5

Recently, I had to decide between RAID 1 and RAID 5 for a server deployment related to a mission critical application. This app had a considerable amount of writes compared to reads. While reading up on RAID I came across this good site ( Although

To RAID or not to RAID

I was setting up a server for one of my clients. This app is not mission critical, does not require high availability, is mostly non-critical analytics & reporting tool. My client wanted me to keep costs low while building the server, hence, was against setting

Filezilla to the rescue

Recently I had to ftp a lot of files to a dedicated server that I rented at I started by using the inbuilt ftp command in windows and soon realized it was not meant for large complex jobs. After looking at various options I

Buying vs renting

Do you have a dedicated server for your website/blog? Planning to get one? The one question you will face is whether to rent or buy one. I faced the same dilemma when I was about to setup my own dedicated server. After careful analysis and