Whois Tool
Use this free online tool to get whois information for a domain.
Domain Whois Tool fetches the registered data for the domain from the global whois servers.
Domain Whois Tool starts from the IANA whois server (whois.iana.org) and recursive fetches data from whois servers until it finds the authoritative record.
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is resposible for managing all domain and IP addresses on the Internet. It works with RTRs (Regional Internet Registry) to further delegate and manage all internet resources.
Each TLD (.com, .net, .in) has a responsible authority for managing domain registrations and updates. Some TLDs (.com, .net) have more than one registration authorities and each maintains its own whois server. IANA as worked out a referral mechanism by which whois servers can refer to the authoritative whois server for each TLD.
Yes, since this tool uses IANA recommended traversal method it works across all TLDs