Whois Tool
Use this free online tool to get whois information for a domain.
Use this free online tool to convert IP addresses between decimal and dot notation.
Use this free online tool to ping any domain or IP. Domain name is first resolved to IP and then ping requests are sent to it.
Use this free online tool to get your public IP address and geo-location information for that IP.
Use this free online tool to get advanced DNS records for any domain or IP. If IP address is entered, a reverse DNS query is first triggered to fetch the associated domain name for that IP. Thereafter, DNS records are fetched for that domain.
Use this free online tool to generate MD5 and SHA hashes of any text or file. Currently, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 are supported.
Use this free online tool to fetch DNS records for any domain or IP. If IP address is entered, a reverse DNS query is first triggered to fetch the associated domain name for that IP. Thereafter, DNS records are fetched for that domain.
Use this free online tool to run a trace route to any domain or IP. Domain name is first resolved to IP and then a trace is run against it.